Kijvf offers Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Conception (IVF -Test Tube Baby) is a single window one stop centre for infertility treatment, IVF treatment and assisted reproduction, providing world-class technology and professional care at an affordable cost with outstanding pregnancy rates.
Kjivf offers all treatment options for male and female infertility, right from basic evaluation and investigations to the most advanced Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) – Test-Tube Baby treatments.
Kjivf offer men the opportunity to sperm banking prior to medical treatments where there is a high risk of testicular damage. Some men also elect to bank sperm prior to vasectomy or before embarking on a high-risk activity, such as joining the armed services.
In vitro fertilization technique for conception of a human embryo outside the mother's body. Several ova, or eggs, are removed from the mother's body and placed in special laboratory culture dishes (Petri dishes); sperm from the father are then added, or in many cases a sperm is injected directly into an ovum, a process known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection. If fertilization is successful, a fertilized ovum (or several fertilized ova), after undergoing several cell divisions, is either transferred to the mother's or a surrogate mother's body for normal development in the uterus, or frozen for later implantation. Eggs also can be frozen and fertilized later. In vitro maturation is when the ova are extracted and then matured in a laboratory (instead of in the mother's body) before they are fertilized. For more details plz visit and contact Dr. KULDEEP JAIN, M.D., F.A.R.T., Singapur, Director, KJIVF. 23, Gagan Vihar, Main Road (Near Karkardooma Flyover), Delhi – 110092. Phone No. : 0091-11- 65253282, 0091-11- 22503927
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