translation company in delhi - Delhi - Teaching jobs, education jobs, training jobs, library jobs, Delhi - 556041


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translation company in delhi - Teaching jobs, education jobs, training jobs, library jobs

Ref. number: 556041 Updated: 31-03-2011 09:44

Price: 10 INR Rs

Offering: Teaching jobs, education jobs, training jobs, library jobs in India, Delhi

We provide Translation from one language to another for legal, medical. research, literary, all company, industry or government related documents. We provide translations for all sort of corporate documents as user manuals, product brochures, books, journals, newsletters, training material, research documents, website content, educational and e-learning course, promotional and advertising content, confidential documents, letters, articles, financial statements, legal agreements, medical and clinical research materials etc among others.

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Contact information
First name: ajay
Last name: kumar
Phone number: 01164515816
Mobile number: 09891120492
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