Double-action sheet-metal press ERFURT PknZz 500/2500 - Delhi - Industrial Machinery, Delhi - 499427


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Double-action sheet-metal press ERFURT PknZz 500/2500 - Industrial Machinery

Ref. number: 499427 Updated: 20-02-2011 16:41

Offering: Industrial Machinery in India, Delhi

“Ridel Stank” company sells a Double-action sheet-metal press ERFURT PknZz 500/2500 Tonnage (power) – 500 tons Good working order. Can be checked in operation. Location: Russia, the Ural region Price: is negotiable Detailed information: Phone: 7-961-75-41-471 e-mail:

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Contact information
First name: Mariah
Last name: Avdeeva
Phone number: +7-961-75-414-71
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