Rikhi Ram Musical Instrument Mfg. Co. is an Indian Musical Instruments Store, established by Late Pt. Rikhi Ram, who was a great musicians and one of the best known musical instrument maker and offers Indian Musical Instruments Delhi, Indian Harmonium Musical Instruments, Musical Instruments India and Indian Musical Instruments accessories after understanding the requirements of music industry and customers through our rich experience and long lasting business associations and then focus on quality and continuous improvement of the Indian Musical Instruments. Indian Musical Instruments Delhi is manufactured in in-house manufacturing unit of Rikhi Ram Musical Instrument Mfg. Co. which is equipped with latest technologies and perfectly skilled professionals to design and develop unique professional Indian Musical Instruments. Our Indian Musical Instruments Delhi deals in Electric Sitars, Keyboards, String Instruments, Miniature Instruments, Percussion, Wind, Keyboard and Innovative instruments, and etc.
For more details, visit the website: http://www.rikhiram.com/
Contact Details-
Rikhiram Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co.
G-8, Marina Arcade, Connaught Circus, New Delhi 110001, India
Phone: +91-11-23327685, 41516141
E-mail: info@rikhiram.com