SOLID 82155R LNB - Delhi - TV, satellite, VCR, Delhi - 3146074


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SOLID 82155R LNB - TV, satellite, VCR

Ref. number: 3146074 Updated: 01-05-2024 07:28

Price: 2 730 INR Rs

Offering: TV, satellite, VCR in India, Delhi

This C-Band LNB is best if you are facing the problem of signal fluctuations. Sometimes nearby mobile towers create a terrestrial interface in c-band signals, if you have the same problem then this LNBF is best for you. Technical Specifications: Input – 3.7-4.2 GHz LO Freq.: 5.150 GHz Stability: +/-250KHz Gain: 62dB (Type) Temp: 15K DC Input: +15V to +24V Buy the product visite the

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First name: solid
Last name: tv
Phone number: 9811266788
Mobile number: 9811266788
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