Delivering the highest quality experience to customers is much more than product quality, customer support or NPS. It's built upon every little interaction, relentlessly driven by a deep understanding and knowledge of customers and what they want. This business intelligence is what LuckyCX Intelligent Packaging Technology offers.
At LuckyCX, we work with brands, to help create unprecedented customer engagement and provide valuable real-time insights with our business intelligence platform so that you can make smarter decisions, faster.
With just one small addition to your existing packaging design, you can get real-time
1. Magical customer engagement with LuckyCXpert™ our app-less AI-based content delivery platform.
2. Detailed customer feedback analysis.
3. Sentiment analysis across your social media handles on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
4. Semantic Brand Score and competitive analysis.
5. Many more downloadable reports and graphs
LuckyCX is the best intelligent packaging technology in the world. It is better, faster, and cheaper than every comparable alternative. No tricks, no fancy apps to download. Nothing to install, for you or your customers. Everything is simple and easy. With one of our Magic Codes on each product or packaging.
The technology and data are encrypted and hidden away on our powerful hybrid servers, so there’s no Capex. Only a rational license fee, with flexible payment plans.
Phone: +911143552225