When you stay in a Serviced Apartment you get much more than hotel room. For around the same rate you would pay for a hotel room, you can have your own furnished apartment with a lounge, kitchenette and bedroom and still get the daily service you would in a hotel.
We have a huge selection of serviced apartments for guests coming to Delhi/NCR for Business or leisure. The USP of these apartments is that they are much better alternatives to hotels because for the same or lesser price of a hotel room, you can experience a home-like atmosphere where you can cook your own meals if you choose, you can dine and conduct meetings or reunions in the comfort of your own living room, and at night, you can retire to a separate sleeping area.
All the serviced apartments are spacious, stylishly designed and decorated in tasteful colours, equipped with everything you will need. We're also centrally located so it is convenient for you to travel around Delhi. You just need to send us your preferred location, budget and duration of stay. Our apartment experts will help you book from our selection of apartments across Delhi & Ncr.
The ideal thing to do, would be to stay in a serviced apartment which offers you the service and comfort of a hotel along with the personalized feel and space of your own apartment. If you are wondering why a serviced apartment would be better than a hotel, there are innumerable reasons to do that, the first of them being that an extended stay will make you want to feel at home, wherever you may live.
Advantages over Hotels
Cost Effective to keep you well within your budget.
Homely Feel to make you feel confortable even away from home.
More Freedom to do more and live more.
Less Formal to let you relax.
Larger Rooms to give you more sense of space.
Kitchenette within Rooms to help you explore your culinary skills.
More personalized service.
Low Cost on Telephone Call Charges and other usables.
Low cost on Internet.