Do you hesitate or feel nervous when talking in English with anyone around and looking for working resource to learn English speaking online?
Then EngVarta can undoubtedly be the best option for you to incline for. Though there are many free or paid English speaking app available on the internet today, however, not all can help you practice English in a fruitful way and get positive results.
Many of the apps provide grammar lessons and English songs/conversations to listen to in order to improve English speaking. Do you think that would really work?
Of course not!
If learning grammar and listening to English is all you need to enhance your speaking skills then you should have turned fluent in English by now, as you have already been learning grammar and probably listening to English songs since your childhood. Right?
Certainly, for speaking fluent English you need to speak out, talk in English with people around, only this can help you grow your confidence and speak English fluently.
And EngVarta – English practice app provides you with a platform where you can practice speaking English with live English experts right from your phone.
By talking to these experts, you’ll learn and get used to the language just like you learnt your native language(by listening and speaking out).
Want to learn more about the app?
Visit the official website of EngVarta:
Or talk to customer support: +91-7570085666
You can also download the app and win a trial session to start your practice with experts now.
English speaking practice app for Android:
For iPhone: