Individuals who are looking for the Best Knee Arthoscopy may need a complete physical examination from their family doctor surgery. Arthroscopy for the knee is most commonly used for removal or repair of torn meniscal cartilage. The procedure is also preferred in case of reconstruction of a torn anterior cruciate ligament. The procedure could also be used in trimming of torn pieces of articular cartilage. After the procedure of knee arthroscopy swelling around the knee is seen which can take anywhere from 7–15 days to completely get well. One should wait until there is swelling before doing any serious exercise or extensive walking. If you start off with extensive exercise it may cause pain and in some cases the knee might swell more. The spread of the swell might cause serious problems. There are other common types of arthroscopy which includes hip arthroscopy, wrist arthoscopy and spine arthroscopy. Arthroscopy procedures treat s spinal disc herniation and degenerative discs, spinal deformity, tumors and general spinal trauma.
Primus Super Speciality Hospital
2, chandragupt Marg Chanakyapuri
New Delhi- 110021, India
011 - 66206620, 9953722892